segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011

Livro de Arte Contemporânea - Sandra Longras reconhecida internacionalmente. De livre Arte Contemporânea-Sandra Longras reconnu internationalement. Book de Arte Contemporânea-Sandra Longras recognized internationally.


 Sandra Longras a artista Plástica de Barcelos, recentemente vencedora do Prémio de Mérito Cultural e Artístico 2011, foi a única portuguesa selecionada na Bolívia por mestres internacionais para integrar o grande Livro de Arte "La  Estética y el  Arte Contemporânea II ".
É com grande orgulho que recebi a notícia da minha inclusão no Grande livro de Arte intitulado “La Estética y el Arte Contemporânea II” para o qual fui selecionada e que irá ser editado na Córdoba Argentina em Junho de 2012 sob direção do Diplomado Ricardo Cesar Lescano Grosso.
O livro terá um grande impacto mundial, pois irão ser editados 1000 mil exemplares dos quais 100 para os artistas que vão fazer parte do livro, 200 para os museus mais importantes do mundo, universidades, bibliotecas e embaixadas de diferentes países. Esta obra contará com a participação de importantes críticos internacionais de arte e será sem dúvida uma forma bastante expansiva de projetar mais uma vez a cidade todo o meu percurso artístico bem como o reconhecimento internacional do meu trabalho.
Da minha parte, tem interesse revelar que de tudo tenho feito para divulgar o nome e a cultura de Barcelos por vários locais do Mundo, Espanha, Bolívia, Chile, Argentina…que começa agora a dar os seus frutos e a ser reconhecido internacionalmente.

Sandra Longras the artist of Barcelos, recently winner of the Cultural and artistic achievement award, was the only Portuguese 2011 selected in Bolivia by arbiters to integrate the great art book "La Estética y el Arte Contemporânea II". It is with great pride that I received the news of my inclusion in Large art book entitled "La Estética y el Arte Contemporânea II" for which have been selected and that will be edited in Cordoba Argentina in June 2012 under the direction of the Graduated Ricardo Cesar Lescano Grosso.The book will have a big impact worldwide, because they will be edited 1000 thousand copies of which 100 for artists who will be part of the book, 200 for the world's most important museums, universities, libraries, and embassies of different countries. This work will include the participation of important international critics of art and will undoubtedly be a fairly expansive design once again the city all my artistic as well as the international recognition of my work. On my part, have interest reveal that everything I have done to disclose the name and the culture of Barcelos by various places in the world, Spain, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina … that is now starting to bear fruit and be recognized internationally.

Sandra Longras the artist of Barcelos, recently winner of the Cultural and artistic achievement award, was the only Portuguese 2011 selected in Bolivia by arbiters to integrate the great art book "La Estética y el Arte Contemporânea II". It is with great pride that I received the news of my inclusion in Large art book entitled "La Estética y el Arte Contemporânea II" for which have been selected and that will be edited in Cordoba Argentina in June 2012 under the direction of the Graduated Ricardo Cesar Lescano Grosso.The book will have a big impact worldwide, because they will be edited 1000 thousand copies of which 100 for artists who will be part of the book, 200 for the world's most important museums, universities, libraries, and embassies of different countries. This work will include the participation of important international critics of art and will undoubtedly be a fairly expansive design once again the city all my artistic as well as the international recognition of my work. On my part, have interest reveal that everything I have done to disclose the name and the culture of Barcelos by various places in the world, Spain, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina … that is now starting to bear fruit and be recognized internationally.